Rick Alan & Associates

Real-World ™ Training

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Since 1983:

We have trained over 425,000 people throughout the world, including thousands of employees at many of America's most successful companies. Each of our skill-based programs are tailored to meet the specific requirements and objectives of our clients.

Our Programs Have Made a Significant Impact on the Effectiveness and the Productivity of Salespeople and Customer Service Teams Throughout America and the World.

  • Each of our instructors is a practicing salesperson possessing a minimum of ten years experience in direct sales and customer service.
  • In addition, they complete an extensive 18- month certification process before they conduct any of our training.
  • This standard of experience and certification is unique to Rick~Alan & Associates and provides a strong element of credibility in the classroom.

Seminars & Workshops

Real-World Selling™ Seminar - Public

Delivering specific professional sales techniques for any commercial or industrial salesperson.

Real-World Selling™ Seminar - In-House

This program is tailored to the specific skill level and the unique requirements of your sales team.

Advanced Real-World Selling™ Seminar

Packed with specific, very persuasive, advanced-level sales techniques that were not included in your prior Real-World Selling Seminar.

Real-Worlds Client Relations™ Seminar

his seminar delivers specific, how-to techniques to help every employee provide exceptional levels of customer service, plus communicate more effectively with their customers.

Real-World Presentations™

This is a how-to oriented class designed to make a dramatic difference in one’s success when making presentation to any group.

Interactive Workshops

Proven techniques designed for any employee who has customer contact and to improve the performance of your team and make your meeting or conference even more productive.


A Few Recent Comments from Class Members

“You have restored my belief in training. Real world—usable training.”
Richard Fennema Branch Manager UBS Hurst, Texas

“Yours is not an ‘in one ear and out the other’ seminar, but rather one of lasting value. You are the only person we have found to be consistently exceptional and diversified enough for new and repeat presentations.”
Rick Burnett Vice President Burnett Personnel Services Houston, Texas

“Excellent Class. Shows you how to deliver the techniques, rather than just tell you.”
Irene Riddle Area Marketing Manager Southwest Airlines Dallas, Texas

“The most intensive ‘skills’ training I have been to in my 21 years in sales—Great Job!”
Dennis Maiuri Sales & Marketing Manager Governor Computer Products Dearborn, Michigan

“I found this course to be extremely valuable in the areas of improving communication and listening skills. I see sales people every day and there is a night and day difference between those with skills taught in this course and those without these skills. Thanks. I thoroughly enjoyed the course.”
Jim Kindel Purchasing & Materials Manager Texas Process Equipment Co. Houston, Texas

“Dynamic and action-oriented program!”
Gail O’Brien Vice President & Regional Manager Kelly Temporary Services Clearwater, Florida

“Excellent program. There’s something to learn, even for the experienced and successful person.”
Dan O’Toole Vice President Quest Environmental Resources Corp. Indianapolis, Indiana

“The best seminar I have ever attended. It will change the way I communicate with my customers.”
Mike O’Brien Vice President Sales American Oilfield Divers, Inc. Houston, Texas

“The best program I have attended. Thank you!! Awesome.”
Christine Rubeis Sales Locke Protective Services Houston, Texas

“Without question the best training seminar I have attended! The name ‘Real World’ applies distinctly. Good Show!”
Neil Potter New Vehicle Sales Manager Westside Lexus Houston, Texas

“Initially, I thought that this would be just another average training class. I found the class quite different than I expected and very beneficial.”
Sam Ford III Major Account Representative Lotus Development Corporation Houston, Texas

“Excellent! Hands on stuff I can use!”
Elizabeth Menefee National Sales Manager WAOK/WVEE Radio Atlanta, Georgia

“I can’t imagine that anyone wouldn’t think this is the best program they have ever attended. I was very impressed! Please call home more often.”
Barbara Wilcoxon—our president’s Mom (she claims to be unbiased)—Belmont Shore, California

Rick Alan & Associates


Houston, Texas



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