The Real-World Presentations™ Seminar
Tailored to Your Team
and Your Specific Requirements

This seminar is a highly interactive 3-day program designed for ten active participants, although additional class members can be also be accommodated. This is a how-to oriented class designed to make a dramatic difference in one’s success when making a presentation to any group.

List of Topics

How to Capture Your Audience's Attention

Arouse the Curiosity of the Audience

Nine "Tips to Remember" about Q & A Sessions

The "Four Rs" to Stay in Control of Q & A Sessions

How to Diffuse Negative Questions or Comments

Five Types of Openings for a Memorable Impact

Ten Methods to Outline Your Presentation

Prepare a Powerful Introduction of Yourself

Five Closing Methods to Dramatize Your Point

How to Undersell Rather than Oversell Your Idea

The Best Audio/Visual Aids for Your Audience

Guide an Audience to Focus on Positive Aspects

Effectively Guide the Conversation

Create More Belief in the Benefits You Present

The Program
In General
This is a 3-day program designed for ten active participants, although additional class members can be also be accommodated.

Throughout the program the instructor will teach and demonstrate numerous presentation techniques and concepts, while leading discussions among the participants. During which, each participant will record the ideas in their personal training manual.

Each person will deliver eight to ten, video-recorded presentations to the group. Each presentation will vary in length, skill sets and on different subjects that that are specific to the type of presentations they make in their business.

Classroom Critiques
Following each presentation the presenter will be given a positive/constructive critique from the other class members. The instructor will then also provide a verbal and a written critique for every presentation.

Record of Achievement
Each participant's presentations will be video recorded, and at the conclusion of the program a copy of each of their own presentations will be provided to them.

Call 713-724-7547   or   email: for more information.

Rick Alan & Associates


Houston, Texas



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